Education & Raptor Training
Through education initiatives, the Blackland Prairie Raptor Center is creating tomorrow’s ambassadors by inspiring people of all ages and walks of life to connect with and advocate for the natural world. The Center serves as a sanctuary to thirteen education ambassadors, birds that have come to our Center with circumstances that make them non-releasable. Due to their injuries or conditions, they could not survive in the wild. Our ambassadors and education team travel across North and Central Texas into classrooms, libraries, and community centers to share their splendor and importance in nature. Additionally, the Center hosts student groups at our beautiful prairie-park for live raptor programs, Master Naturalist guided trail hikes, and conservation education. We believe there’s no better way to learn about the birds of prey in North Texas than to meet them in person!
Why do we have raptors in human care?
Our avian ambassadors bird collection consists of raptors that, for a number of reasons, are non-releasable. Each ambassador has a job, educating the public about conservation and environmental issues including habitat, green living and humanity’s impact on the natural world.
How and why do we train our birds?
Our experienced trainers and animal care specialists provide exceptional care and positive reinforcement base-training to our avian ambassadors. Training gives our birds choice and control in their lives and allows them to use their senses, adaptations, and behavior to earn positive reinforcers.
Thorough training increases raptors’ comfort around humans. Training allows birds to be active participants in their care by teaching them to voluntarily weigh and kennel themselves, and actively participate in regular medical exams. Training showcases natural behaviors to create defining moments for our program participants. This allows visitors to connect to our birds – the first step in developing a caring attitude towards nature.